Thursday, 9 February 2012

Digital Rules

This week we have been thinking about all the cool new technology that we will be able to use this year. We decided to come up with a set of rules to follow when we are using any digital equipment... If you look on our Inquiry page you will be able to see the discussions we have been having about digital citizenship.


  1. I think thesee ideas should be for the hole school :Cameron

  2. I think these rules sound very sensible.
    I'm from Rosneath Primary School in Scotland and I hope our schools are going to link-up soon for Quadblogging. Maybe your class could have a look at our blog sometime soon?

  3. Hi my name is Tyler
    At clapham manor we do something called a welcome poster on the first week do you do something similar?

  4. I am Mervyn
    what do you do in you lessons

  5. Hello G4
    Was Harriet able to run the extra mile in the dress???
    Was it fun at the camp???

  6. we do lot origami to and we have origami club
